Counseling Department

Please select the counselor that you need to speak to.  Each of the counselors have a calendar to choose and set up a time to meet.

Mrs. O'Brien's Online Counseling Appointment Calendar

Mrs. O'Brien's Online Appointment Calendar 

Mrs. Sain's Online Counseling Appointment Calendar
Mrs. Sain's Online Appointment Calendar

Mr. Wall's Online Counseling Appointment Calendar

Mr. Wall's Appointment Calendar

HealthWest Crisis Services - 24 Hour Crisis Line
​(231) 722-HELP
(231) 722-4357

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK
(800) 273-8255

Crisis Text Line
​Text HOME to 741741

Every Woman's Place Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Crisis Line
(231) 722-3333

​Call 2-1-1 for Community Support and/or Connection to Governmental Agencies
(231) 733-1155

​Muskegon High School Teen Health Center
(231) 733-6680

Children's & Adult Protective Services
​(855) 444-3911