Assessment Information

Assessments help provide data and serve to drive instruction for student success. Muskegon Public Schools uses these assessment tools to measure student learning and milestone achievement. 

Performance Matters

Performance Matters is our all inclusive testing platform. This tool gives us the ability to build and take localized tests in the system. It then paints a picture of the whole child using testing data and PowerSchool data in the following areas: attendance, referrals, schedules, local tests, state tests, grades, and early warning indicators. 

With Performance Matters, we use data to drive instruction and create a plan to help all students succeed. This platform is accessible by students and parents. 


i-Ready is our comprehensive diagnostic tool for grade K-9 in both reading and math. This program allows us to see where students are performing compared to grade level content. The diagnostic test creates a learning path for each individual student based on their capabilities. This tool guides our small group and whole group instruction. The recommended amount of time students should spend on their learning path each week to meet the amount of growth necessary is as follows:

  • Kindergarten = 30 minutes in math and 30 minutes in reading 
  • 1st - 9th Grade = 45 minutes in math and 45 minutes in reading
  • i-Ready diagnostic assessments are given three times per year. 


To learn more about the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP), visit M-STEP What It Is - What It Means - What It Offers.

For more detailed information regarding the M-STEP that is given to students in grades 3-8 and 11, visit Michigan Department of Education (MDE) M-STEP and Online Testing Video Tutorials

To learn more about your student's M-STEP scores and how to help your student, the Michigan Department of Education has developed the Starting Smarter website


Beginning April 2016, Michigan began using the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) as part of the Michigan Merit Examination (MME). The State also offers the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) 8/9 and PSAT 10 to 9th and 10th grade students free of charge each April. For additional information about the SAT and PSAT, including student practice tests, please visit College Board.

Assessment Literacy Standards

The Assessment Literacy Standards provide a common framework and understanding to assist K-12 educators, students, parents, and policymakers in becoming more knowledgeable about assessment purposes and effective uses. 

WIDA / Limited English Proficiency

In November 2021, Michigan adopted the World-Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA) standards for English language learners (ELLs). Our district conducts WIDA testing for ELLs to ensure our students are achieving milestones in their learning once per year.