Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I AM)

You're Invited: Join us for an MPS / Ford NGL Designation Celebration

Celebrate with us 4.16.25

Muskegon Public Schools District is just the 4th district in Michigan to earn the Ford Next Generation Learning (Ford NGL) designation. This means that MPS has done the due dilligence of involving our community to create a master plan  for community-connected, career-focued learning to prepare every Big Red Graduate, PreK-12, for college, careers, lifelong learning and leadership. 

GIC students  Comm Envision

Earning the Ford NGL designation means our district will have an internationally proven model for support to create the systems and structures and teaching and learning to support this model that is steered by student voice and choice in learning and career exploration. 

This system promotes  community prosperity for all, strengthening the talent pipeline, establishing educational equity and justice, while instilling a capacity to contribute to a brighter future.

"With the Ford Next Generation Learning System, every one of our students will have the tools they need and a plan for what they will be doing the Monday after they graduate high school." - Matt Cortez, MPS Superintendent


Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I AM)

Muskegon Public Schools has launched the Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I AM) to guarantee career-focused learning for all Big Reds, grades PreK-12. 

Grades PreK-8th will have guaranteed experiences (like classroom speakers, field trips, etc.) to bring career awareness and career exploration to their learning. 

PreK-8th grades

Through the Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I AM), every Muskegon High School student will choose an Academy and Career Pathway: 

  • Freshman Academy: All 9th graders meet weekly for career exploration, attend the "Future of You" career conference, and select a career pathway that best suits their aptitudes and interests.

  • Career Academies for Grades 10-12: Students choose between two academies and select a career pathway within that academy that best suits their interests: 

    • Academy of Health & Human Services (HHS) - Pathways: Health Sciences, Public Service & Education, Hospitality & Tourism, Criminal Justice & First Response

    • Academy of Industry, Technology & Design (ITD) - Pathways:  Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, Skilled Trades, Technology, Art & Design, Business & Entrepreneurship

I AM structureThe Academies and Career Pathways were identified and established based on local workforce needs to support our region’s economy in combination with student input and interest. Students will engage in real-world learning experiences, including job shadows and work-based learning opportunities, collaborating with local professionals to enhance academic and career readiness. MPS is partnering with post-secondary institutions including Baker College, Michigan State University and Muskegon Community College to offer college courses on the MHS campus. 

Portrait of a Big Red Graduate

Creating the Muskegon Public School’s Portrait of a Graduate was an inclusive and collaborative process that looked to define the knowledge, skills, and attributes students need to succeed in college, careers, and life. 

During this effort, MPS engaged a diverse array of stakeholders including students, parents, educators, community members, and local business leaders to collectively identify the key competencies essential for graduates in a rapidly evolving world. Through focus groups, workshops, and surveys, stakeholders shared their insights and aspirations, ensuring the Portrait reflects both community values and workforce demands. The process also emphasizes equity, ensuring that every student, regardless of background, is equipped to thrive. Parts of the Portrait are still a work in progress.

The final product will serve as a guide to shape age-appropriate curriculum to help Big Reds develop these traits. Through the Innovation Academies of Muskegon (I AM), we are committed to nurturing Responsible Citizens, Creative Problem Solvers, Adaptable Communicators, and  Persistent Professionals who Build Relationships and graduate not just with diplomas, but with real-world skills, certifications, and a clear plan for their future.

Portrait of a Big Red Graduate

Persistent Professional 

A Big Red Graduate embodies professionalism in every interaction. They demonstrate accountability, show resilience and are adaptable when working toward their goals. Their strong work ethic shows in their dedication to quality and reliability. They are committed to continuous growth as they learn new ways to approach tasks.

Collaborator/Relationship Builder

A Big Red graduate understands the power of connection and collaboration. They engage with diverse groups respectfully and thoughtfully, valuing the experiences and perspectives of others. By building trust and fostering understanding, they create positive relationships that help achieve shared goals, promote teamwork, and strengthen their community.

Creative Problem Solver

A Big Red graduate views challenges as opportunities for innovation. They work with others to brainstorm new ideas, develop structured approaches, and gather evidence to find effective solutions. When the path forward is unclear, they remain resourceful and proactive.

Adaptable Communicator

A Big Red graduate can efficiently and effectively communicate in a variety of ways —electronic, verbal, written, and visual. They understand how to tailor their message to suit the audience and situation, ensuring clarity and effectiveness. Whether addressing a team, drafting a proposal, or presenting visually, they convey their ideas in ways that achieve the desired results.

Responsible Citizen

A Big Red graduate makes thoughtful decisions that reflect ethical and moral responsibility. They are aware of their role in the local and global community and act with integrity to create a positive impact. With resilience and assertiveness, they persevere through obstacles, making choices that serve themselves and others while contributing to a better world.

Convening Council

The Convening Council is a steering committee that connects businesses, employers and the community to MPS. This Convening Council will secure career and community-connected resources for MPS students, and will provide insight to the District regarding community and employer talent needs. The Convening Council consists of five non-profit organizations within Muskegon County, with Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc. designated as the Lead Convener. The organizations are: Community Foundation for Muskegon County, Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, The YMCA, United Way of the Lakeshore, with the lead convening organization being Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc. 

I AM Convening Council

“Shifting the learning focus into the community, and allowing students the opportunity to gain valuable exposure to in-demand careers will benefit the entire Muskegon community,” said Goodwill Industries of West Michigan Chief Workforce Officer Kristin Garris and lead convenor of the the Convening Council.  “Everybody wins when all students have a pathway to meaningful and sustaining work, and when the community takes them into their workforce with the confidence that they are ready.  There is community strength in that.”

MPS Journey to Ford NGL Designation and Master Plan Implementation

Muskegon Public Schools presented the community-developed Master Plan for the district's academic transformation in January 2025. The District earned Ford NGL designation in January 2025, shortly after presenting the Master Plan. 

Muskegon Public Schools is currently in Phase 4 of becoming a fully functioning Ford NGL community. The Master Plan will take 3 years to implement. 

Road Map

Muskegon Public Schools' History and Timeline toward Ford NGL Implementation

MPS Timeline

Muskegon Public Schools District is partnering with Ford Next Generation Learning to prepare every Big Red Graduate, PreK-12, for college, careers, lifelong learning and leadership. This system promotes  community prosperity for all, strengthening the talent pipeline, establishing educational equity and justice, while instilling a capacity to contribute to a brighter future.

"With the Ford Next Generation Learning System, every one of our students will have the tools they need and a plan for what they will be doing the Monday after they graduate high school." - Matt Cortez, MPS Superintendent

What is Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL)?

Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) is the philanthropic non-profit arm of Ford Motor Company.

Ford NGL has helped districts over the past 20 years successfully transform their high schools from outdated “sit and get” classrooms to immersive learning environments.

Ford NGL will help Muskegon Public Schools learn from the experiences of other districts and give us access to many resources, including:

  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Staff Development
  • A Proven Planning Process
  • Professional Development

Ford NGL is nationally recognized for its unique approach to learning that better prepares high school students for career success in the 21st century.  Ford NGL is a community-connected transformation model for students. Learn more at

See how other districts are implementing NGL and Academies with their students:

Ford NGL Framework

The Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL) Framework is a three strand approach to transforming education.

Ford NGL mobilizes educators, local employers, and community leaders to prepare a new generation of young people who will graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and life –  prepared for success in our modern economy.

Three distinct, but interconnected strands comprise the Ford NGL Framework.

These strands enable whole communities to design and carry out a long-term plan for revitalizing and revolutionizing education.

Three strands


Creating meaningful learning experiences that enable students to learn and apply academic, 21st century, and technical knowledge & skills to real-world challenges.


Maintaining career and interest-based academies, collaborative cultures, structures, and practices.


Engaging  educators, local employers, and community leaders in building then sustaining a transformed secondary school experience.

If You Have Questions, Please Ask!

The Ford Next Generation Learning system is new to Muskegon Public Schools, and we are just the 4th school in the state of Michigan to be adopting this model. If you have questions that are not answered here, please submit your question by clicking the button below.  

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