Kindergarten Registration

We Welcome You and Your Future Student to Big Red Country!

We look forward to working with you and your child as you progress through these very important educational years!  We are now accepting enrollments for the 2025-26 school year.  

Kindergarten students are required to be 5 on or before September 1, 2025, to enroll for the 2025-26 school year. To be considered for young 5’s the child must be 5 before December 1, 2025.

To complete your student's registration, you will be asked to provide photos or scans of the following:

  • Certified copy of Birth Certificate
  • Michigan Official Up-to-Date Immunization Records
  • Proof of guardianship/custody, if applicable
  • Parent/Guardian ID
  • Transcript or Latest Report Card
  • IEP for Special Education Student
  • Two Proofs of Residency, including any of the following:
    • Current rent receipts
    • Mortgage payment receipts
    • Current utility bills
    • Property tax bills
    • Voter registration
    • Driver’s license

Failure to provide Michigan official immunization records, birth certificate, proofs of residency, or proof of guardianship (if applicable) will delay enrollment process approval.


It is always our goal to provide your child with an excellent education in a safe environment.  You are our partner in this important endeavor and we welcome you and your child to Big Red Country!

Kindergarten Family Open House - March-April (Date TBD)

Parents will have an opportunity to learn more about our Kindergarten program at Kindergarten Round Up Events.  The building principal, teachers, and other district staff will be available at our elementary schools on select days to meet with you and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Check back in March for dates and times.  The Open Houses will be designed for parents and students and give you a chance to tour the building and meet staff.  

Tips to Prepare Your Student for Success

We want your child to be set up for success from day one! Here are some of the behavioral skills your child’s kindergarten teacher expects them to have when they start school:

  • Sit still for the length of a story book
  • Use the toilet independently
  • Hold a pencil appropriately
  • Patiently wait for their turn to speak (raise hand, no blurting)
  • Tie shoes
  • Zip coat

Please work with your child over the summer to be sure they are ready for their first day of Kindergarten!

Non Residents

If you do not live within our district boundaries, you must apply for the Schools of Choice program and receive a Letter of Acceptance before you will be eligible to complete your child’s enrollment.  The School of Choice window is open May 1 – 31. The link can be found on the Enrollment page during May. If you have questions regarding the Schools of Choice process, you may contact the Administration Office at 231-720-2013 or email


Kindergarten Enroll