Office of Specialized Instruction

Director of the Office of Specialized Instruction
Dr. Christine Robertson
1458 5th Street
Muskegon, MI 49441
Phone: (231) 720-2010


ChildFind and Children with Disabilities
IDEA requires schools to identify and evaluate children with disabilities. Both schools and parents/guardians can request a special education evaluation for a child who is not yet eligible. If the school requests an evaluation, the school must contact the parent/guardian to request informed written consent to evaluate the child. If you are a parent/guardian who wants to request an evaluation, send a written, signed and dated request to your child’s school asking for the evaluation.

Procedural Safeguards
IDEA, the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, includes procedural safeguards to protect the rights of children/youth with disabilities and their parents/guardians. For all of the rights contained in these safeguards, please click the link below:
Michigan Department of Education Procedural Safeguards: English

Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
The MAISD’s Parent Advisory Committee is known as the SEPAC, the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee.
SEPAC Informational Brochure


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, is the federal law requiring schools in the United States to provide services to children with disabilities who are eligible for Special Education

The Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education, known as the MARSE, are State of Michigan special education rules used in addition to IDEA, that guide how schools in Michigan are to carry out the special education process.

MPS District Coordinator:
Dr. Christine Robertson
MPS/MAISD: Section 504 Guide